
中国在东亚电子行业生产网络中的分工地位研究——以ICT部门为例 被引量:7

China's Position in East Asian Electronics Production Networks:A Study Based on ICT Industry
摘要 电子行业的跨国生产网络是东亚地区制造业的产品内分工模式的特征性现象,其中最具代表意义的是信息通讯(ICT)部门生产网络的迅猛发展。本文主要运用贸易差额、贸易平衡贡献度指数、显示性比较优势指数、三角贸易指数等指标,基于ICT部门细分行业的贸易数据考察了中国在东亚电子行业生产网络中的分工地位。研究结果显示:尽管中国ICT部门对东亚最终产品贸易存在明显的顺差,但零部件贸易上基本处于逆差地位;中国对东亚地区的ICT最终产品贸易对贸易平衡的贡献为正,而零部件贸易的贡献为负,零部件相对于日本、韩国、东盟6国乃至整个东亚处于明显的比较劣势地位;尽管中国ICT部门无论是最终产品还是零部件在东亚市场上具备了一定的出口供给优势,且零部件出口供给能力在不断增强,但中国在ICT部门零部件加工组装方面的比较优势更为明显;中国ICT部门的加工贸易程度较高,中国在东亚ICT部门的三角贸易格局中发挥着出口平台的关键作用。上述分析表明,作为东亚生产网络中的制造中心,中国在东亚电子行业生产网络中更多的是扮演加工组装的角色,尚处于价值链分工中的低端环节。 Cross-national production networks of the electronics industry in East Asia is the typical phenomenon of intra-produet specialization in manufacturing. In particular,the dense production networks in ICT industry (i.e. IT products, Telecom products, Semiconductors and Office machines)?is a novel representation. The paper explores China's position in East Asian electronics production networks based on trade statistics at 5-digit level of disaggregation, by using indicators such as trade difference, the indicator of contribution to the trade balance (CTB), index of revealed comparative advantage (RCA),triangle trade index. We find that Although China has heavy trade surplus in ICT finished goods relative to East Asian economies such as Japan,Korea and the ASEAN, heavy trade deficit is found in ICT parts and components relative to them, accordingly contribution to the trade balance of China's export in ICT parts and components to East Asian economies is negative. Even though China shows significant comparative advantage both in producing ICT finished goods and parts and components, but it's comparative advantage in assembly is more significant and accordingly China is performing a vital role of the triangle trade among Japan,Korea and the US. All these evidence that up to now China's position of labor division in East Asian electronics production networks is relatively low.
作者 喻春娇 徐玲
机构地区 湖北大学商学院
出处 《世界地理研究》 北大核心 2010年第4期47-57,15,共12页 World Regional Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"中国在东亚跨国生产网络中的分工地位 分工效应及外贸战略调整研究"(08BJL049)的阶段性成果
关键词 跨国生产网络 ICT部门 产品内分工 cross-national production networks ICT industry intra-product specialization
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