
基于电化学法的农药污染检测专用软件设计 被引量:1

Design of detection software of pesticide pollution via electrochemical solution
摘要 为实现农药污染定量检测,通过酶水解底物发生电化学反应产生电子,用电信号减弱的比率量化酶活性被农药抑制的程度,利用抑制率与农药浓度之间的量化关系来估计农药浓度。根据这一方法设计农药污染检测专用软件,控制电化学工作站提取酶电极传感器信号,测量原始酶和被样品抑制的酶水解底物产生的电流信号大小并计算抑制率,最后搜索、比对数据库并显示样品的农药污染检测结果。利用敌敌畏与克百威两种农药配置不同浓度的样品进行实验,在检测结果判定的主要浓度范围时,专用软件的测量误差在10%以内,以抑制率大于50%作为样品呈阳性的条件,单次检测的假阴性概率小于11.1%。 To achieve quantitative detection of pesticide pollution,the authors utilize the fact that enzymatic hydrolysis as an electrochemical reaction may produce electron,to quantify the degree of enzymatic activity inhibited by pesticide by the rate of electric signal bated.Making use of the quantitative relationship between inhibition ratio and pesticide content,the authors can estimate pesticide content with the measurement of inhibition ratio.The pesticide pollution detection software was designed on the basis of electrochemistry method,which controls the electrochemistry workstation to pick up signal from enzyme electrodes sensor,and the electric signals of enzymatic hydrolysis by virgin enzyme and inhibited enzyme were measured to calculate inhibition ratio,then the database was searched and the final result about pesticide pollution was displayed.The liquor with different content of DDV and carbofuran was used as testing sample.At the key content such as 2 μg·L-1 and 5 μg·L-1 DDV,5 μg·L-1 and 10 μg·L-1 carbofuran,the measurement inaccuracy of inhibition ratio by the software is below 10%.If it is judged as positive when inhibition ratio is above 50%,the probability of false negative judgment by single detection is below 11.1%.
出处 《中国测试》 CAS 2010年第6期57-61,共5页 China Measurement & Test
基金 国家863计划重大专项子项目(2007AA06A406)
关键词 电化学生物传感器 软件 农药 检测 抑制率 electrochemical biosensor software pesticide detection inhibition ratio
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