

Agent-Oriented Requirements Modeling Method Based on Domain Analysis
摘要 面向Agent软件工程是开发复杂分布式系统的一种新范例,Agent作为一种新型软部件具有更高的抽象,能更有效的处理复杂的系统。本文以工作管理系统为研究背景,提出一种基于领域分析的面向Agent需求建模方法。该方法基于当前主流的面向Agent软件开发方法,结合领域工程的知识,将特征引入到系统开发的元模型中,描述了需求建模过程中的几种建模活动。使需求建模的结果不仅能有效地满足系统用户的需求,还能够有效的支持软件复用。 Agent-oriented software engineering is viewed as a new paradigm for developing complex distributed systems.As a new soft-components,agent can deal with complex systems more effectively with more higher abstraction.On the background of work management system,presents an agent-oriented requirements modeling method based on domain analysis.This method is based on the current mainstream of agent-oriented requirements analysis method,puts the feature into the meta-model of system development with the combination of domain engineering knowledge,describes several modeling activities of the requirements modeling process.makes the requirements model cannot only describe the system requirements accurately,but also give more effective support for software reuse.
机构地区 合肥工业大学
出处 《微计算机信息》 2010年第33期249-250,243,共3页 Control & Automation
关键词 AGENT-ORIENTED 特征 领域分析 软件复用 agent-oriented feature domain analysis software reuse
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