

American "Local Rules" evaluation
摘要 本国货币规则是指法院对诉讼请求为支付外国货币的案件做出判决时,必须将外国货币转换为本国货币予以判决的规则。本国货币规则主要存在于英美法系,大陆法系少有。美国本国货币规则的渊源未形成定论;其转换基准日有多种规则,常根据汇率发生变化。美国本国货币规则中蕴涵了国家货币主权、有利于美元的国际地位等国家利益;但其又存在着歧视外国货币、违背合同的意思自治原则、阻碍国际经济交往的内在缺陷。本国货币规则体现的国家主权理念和对国家利益的捍卫值得我国借鉴。 The home currency rule means that a court may only award judgments in home currency and can not grant judgments in foreign currencies.It exists mainly in Anglo-American Law and seldom in Continental Law.The source for the rule has not been definitive.the several rules of conversion date have varied according to rate fluctuations.The home currency rule in America embodies state monetary sovereignty and the promotion of dollars' internationalization.But,it disriminates foreign currencies,is contrary to the autonomous principle in contract and provides an obstacle to international economy.China may learn lessons from the rule's idea about state sovereignty and the defence of state interests.
作者 龙骁
机构地区 西南政法大学
出处 《特区经济》 北大核心 2010年第11期101-103,共3页 Special Zone Economy
关键词 本国货币规则 渊源 转换基准日 国家利益 批判 启迪 the home currency rule in America source conversion date the benefits for state critique enlightenment
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  • 1Restatement (Third) of Foreign Relations Law 823 comment d(i) (1987).
  • 2Miliangos v. George Frank, Ltd., 1976 Law Reports 443 (App. Cas. 1975) (appeal taken from Eng. C.A.).
  • 3J.Dach, "Conversion of Foreign Money: A Comparative Study of Changing Rules", The American Journal of Comparative Law, 1954, pp.155-185.
  • 4269 U.S. 71 (1925).
  • 5Ronald A. Brand, "Restructuring the U.S. Approach to Judgments on Foreign Currency Liabilities: Building on the English Experience", The Yale Journal of International Law, 1985-1986, pp.139-190.
  • 6S.R.Westerheim. "The Uniform Foreign -Money Claims Act: No Solution to an Old Problem", Texas Law Review .April. 1991opp.1203-1231 .
  • 7189 F.2d952 (2d Cir. 1951).
  • 8S.R.Westerheim,"The Uniform Foreign-Money Claim s Act:No Solution to an Old Problem",Texas Law Review, pril, 1991.pp.1203-1231 .
  • 9271 F. 199,202 (5th Cir. 1921).
  • 10269 U.S. 71,80 (1925).








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