
研究使用新型内固定器融合舟骨和大小多角骨 被引量:1

Use of a new fusion apparatus for scaphotrapeziotrapezoid arthrodesis
摘要 目的研究新型舟骨和大小多角骨融合器的应用效果。方法根据所测国人舟骨、大小多角骨和舟骨、大小多角骨关节有关解剖学参数设计,选用镍钛记忆合金制出样品,利用大型有限元分析软件进行生物力学测试,修改后制作出成品,并将其应用于月骨无菌性坏死及舟骨旋转性半脱位的患者。结果2005--2010年,共30例月骨无菌性坏死及舟骨旋转性半脱位患者术后疼痛消失或者缓解,运动度较术前增加,平均握力为44.4kg,达到健侧的77%。结论镂空式镍钛记忆合金融合器进行舟骨和大小多角骨融合技术,可以提供足够的腕骨间固定强度,有效用于腕骨间融合。 Objective To research arthrodesis of scaphotrapeziotrapezoid joints using a new designed fusion apparatus. Methods The fusion apparatus was designed based on the measurements of the wrist bones of the Chinese people with assistant of three-dimensional computed tomography (CT) image reconstruction. The apparatus was made of nickel-titanium (NiTi) shape memory alloy. The apparatus was reshaped after biomechanical test using the large-scale finite element analysis software. Results 2005-2010, 30 lunate aseptic necrosis and scaphoid rotational subluxation disappeared or alleviated pain after scaphotrapeziotrapezoid arthrodesis(STTA) and the movement was increased.The average grip was 44.4 kg. Conclusion Using of the HNT-STTAC for caphotrapeziotrapezoid arthrodesis is a usefixl technique that provides sufficient stability of the wrist bone fusion.
出处 《实用手外科杂志》 2010年第3期185-187,190,共4页 Journal of Practical Hand Surgery
关键词 舟骨 大小多角骨融合术 融合器 镍钛记忆合金 Scaphotrapeziotrapezoid arthrodesis Fusion apparatus NiTi shape memory alloy
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