
基于面向方面和UML的实时系统建模研究 被引量:3

Research of Real-Time System Modeling Based on Aspect-Oriented and UML
摘要 利用面向方面的编程思想,在实时系统设计的需求分析阶段分离系统的功能性核心关注点和非功能性横切关注点,并着重对系统的非功能性等横切性关注点进行分析。通过扩展UML对实时系统时间切面建模,讨论了时间方面织入过程,利用AspectJ对建模的结果进行简单的编码实现。通过实际ATM自动提款机的实际例子说明如何在实时系统开发中运用这些技术进行系统建模和实现,充分显示了这些技术对实时系统进行分析建模的优越性。 Discussed how to separate the functional core concerns and the non-functional crosscut concerns based on aspect-oriented during requirement and analysis phase,and focus on the non-functional analysis of crosscut concerns,and then also discussed how to model and weave the time asepect of real-tiem system by extending UML and implement it simply by the AspectJ.Last,it gave an example of Automatic Teller Machine to show how to use these technologies for modeling real-time system,and also show the advantages of these technologies when model and implement real-time system.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2010年第12期118-121,共4页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划资助项目(90818008) 国家自然科学基金项目(60774095 60474072Z) 广东省自然科学基金项目(07001774 04009465)
关键词 面向方面 实时系统 横切关注点 统一建模语言 aspect-oriented real-time system crosscutting concern unified modeling language
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