
模拟失重大鼠比目鱼肌小动脉网各级血管内径的变化 被引量:2

Changes in Lumen Diameters of Vessels in Arteriolar Network in Rat Soleus Muscle after Simulated Weightlessness.
摘要 目的探讨模拟失重是否可引起后肢肌肉小动脉网各级血管内径发生改变及其可逆性。方法采用墨汁灌注法观察尾部悬吊4wk(SUS4),悬吊4wk后恢复1wk(REC1)、恢复5wk(REC5),以及对照(CON)大鼠比目鱼肌小动脉网各级血管内径的变化。结果在SUS4组,比目鱼肌的营养动脉、弓状小动脉及V、I级横行小动脉的内径,较CON组分别减小了31%、29%、28%及41%(均为P<0.01);在REC1组,仅有部分恢复但仍普遍低于CON组(P<0.05,P<0.01);在REC5组,除I级横行小动脉外,其余各级小动脉的内径均已恢复。结论4wk模拟失重大鼠后肢肌肉小动脉可能发生萎缩性变化。 Objective To elucidate whether simulated weightlessness can induce changes in lumen diameters of vessels in arteriolar networks in hindlimb muscles and whether these changes are reversible. Method Changes in lumen diameters of the vessels in the arteriolar network in soleus muscle of 4 wk tailsuspended (SUS4), 1 wk (REC1) and 5 wk (REC5) recovered rats were examined and compared with that of control (CON) rats by use of the method of intraarterial infusion of a carbon suspension. Result The lumen diameters of the feeding arteries and arcade arterioles, and the transverse arterioles of the order of both V and II in the SUS4 group were reduced by 31%, 29%, 28%, and 41%, respectively, as compared with that of the CON group ( P <0.01). The diameters of these arterioles in REC1 group were partially restored but remained significantly less than that of the CON group ( P <0.05, or P <0.01). In REC5 group, except for the transverse arterioles of order II, the diameters of all the other arterioles were fully recovered. Conclusion] These findings indicate that a 4 wk simulated weightlessness might induce atrophic changes in the arterioles of the hindlimb muscles.It also suggests that structural changes in arteriolar network might be an important mechanism accounting for postflight orthostatic intolerance.
机构地区 第四军医大学
出处 《航天医学与医学工程》 CAS CSCD 1999年第3期177-180,共4页 Space Medicine & Medical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 模拟失重 肌骼肌 小动脉 毛细血管 内径变化 simulated weightlessness skeletal muscle vascular onditioning arteriole precapillary resistance vessels
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