[目的]观察中医药治疗急性心肌梗塞的疗效。[方法]在西药常规治疗基础上加用5%葡萄糖250mL中加参麦注射液30mL,5%葡萄糖250mL中加丹参注射液20mL、川芎嗪注射液80mg,静滴qd,益气活血;并常规予麻仁丸9g,qd,软化通导大便;若汗出肢冷、脉微欲绝、阳气欲脱者用参附注射液40mL静滴,qd,15 d为1个疗程。2个疗程后。进行效疗评价。[结果]2个疗程后治疗组显效22例,有效4例,无效2例,总有效率92.9%。其中用中药治疗过程中未发现不良反应。[结论]在西药治疗的基础上合用参麦丹参麻仁丸等治疗心肌梗塞疗效确切,效果满意。
[ Objective] Observation of Chinese medicine in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction patients. [ Method] Western medicine on the basis of conventional therapy, plus 5% glucose injection 250mL Canada Shenmai 30mL, 5% glucose injection 250mL of Salvia miltiorrhiza 20mL, TMP injection 80rag, intravenous qd, Qi and blood circulation; and practices to the Ma Yan Wan 9g, qd, softening the stool through guided; if sweating, cold extremities, pulse slightly stricken, yang who want to de -40mL with intravenous Shenfu, qd, 15 d to a course of treatment. 2 months after treatment. Evaluation of the treatment effect. [Results] After 2 courses of treatment group 22 cases, effective in 4 cases, 2 cases, total effective rate 92. 9%. One course of treatment with traditional Chinese medicine found no adverse reactions. [ Conclusion ] On the basis of western medicine in the combined treatment of myocardial infarction and other Shenmai Salvia Maren Pills effective, results were satisfactory.
Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
acute myocardial infarction
integrative medicine