

Heidegger and Latour on "Thing"
摘要 海德格尔与拉图尔均反对认识论的科学观念,倡导存在论。但关于科学技术的本质,二者存在明显分歧。前者认为,现代技术的本质是将世界解蔽为有待控制和利用的对象。面对这一危险,他敦促我们转向作为天地人神聚集的"物"。后者认为,海德格尔关于物与对象的二元性设定是不恰当的。不仅物是聚集,科学技术对象也是聚集。这由此导致了不同的科学技术批判方案。 Both Martin Heidegger and Bruno Latour refuse the epistemological conception of science,suggest the "ontological turn",and attempt to reflect science and technology from the point of view of ontology.However,they have different ideas about the ontological nature of them.Heidegger thinks that technology has always taken the world as "Bestand " or "objects",which is dangerous to our human beings.Therefore,he urges us to turn to Thing.On the other hand,it seems to Latour that the dualism of Thing and Gegenstand established by Heidegger is untenable.Not only Thing is a sort of gathering,but scientific objects have the essence of gathering.
作者 孟强
出处 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期18-21,共4页 Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology
关键词 海德格尔 拉图尔 聚集 Heidegger Latour Thing Gathering
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