
系统全寿命经济分析的一个模型 被引量:2

Model of life cycle benefit-cost analysis for systems
摘要 研究系统的全寿命经济分析问题.该系统既有可修故障,也有不可修故障,在综合考虑系统全寿命中的收益、建造费用、检测费用、修理费用和善后费用等各项费用的条件下,利用概率分析、补充变量、定积分和Laplace变换等方法,求出了基于系统全寿命的总利润函数和利润率函数.作为利润率函数的一个应用,讨论了系统的最优检测策略问题. This paper deals with life cycle benefit-cost analysis of a system, which has both repairable failures and non-repairable failures. The analysis involves the rewards generated by the system, the con- struction cost of the system, the inspection cost, the repair cost and the disposal cost during the life-time of the system. By using probability analysis, the supplementary variable technique, definite integral and the Laplace transform, this paper obtains the total profit function and the profit rate function based on the life cycle of the system. As an application of the profit rate flmction, the optimal inspection policy of the system is also studied.
作者 苏保河
出处 《系统工程理论与实践》 EI CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期2228-2236,共9页 Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice
基金 广东省自然科学基金(031924) 暨南大学引进人才基金(04JZKY001)
关键词 系统 全寿命 经济分析 最优化 system life cycle benefit-cost analysis optimization
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