This paper maintains that the accident of the Sinking of Tian An is an important sign heralding the moving eastward of US strategic gravity. The US - South - Korean military exercise scheduled to be held in HuangHai is a showdown staged by the US conservatives and is also to exert pressure on Obama' s "new Nixonism". This is disastrous for the US national interests based on the Far East Yaha system of right. The author proposes that China and US cooperate within the Yalta System and should not seek "peaceless" conflicts. Today, what accounts for the decline of US is that US cannot financially afford the far - fetched and colossal strategic objectives which have antagonized more and more countries. The cumbersome responsibility of containing China has become a heavy burden for US politically and financially. US needn' t defend the "first Island Chain" to contain China. China' s realization of the unification across Strait is merely to recover China' s legitimate right confirmed in the Yaha system half a century ago, and does not do any harm to US interests inherited from the Yalta Agreement. The author suggests that for US future sustainable development and prosperity and in order to keep US' s deserved position as a powerful state in the world politics, US should give up Taiwan to China, so as to win peace for Asia - Pacific on a new political base. China must be prepared for the worst and the best.
Pacific Journal
"accident of the sinking of Tian - an"
eastasia strategy
pacific situation
decline of US
China' choice