
铁路隧道列车活塞风的理论研究与计算方法的探讨 被引量:20

Theoretical Study and Calculation Method of Train Piston Wind in Railway Tunnels
摘要 随着我国铁路建设的快速发展,隧道列车活塞风的确定具有重要意义。本文从运动列车与隧道气流的功能转换出发,以列车作用段作为活塞风压源,利用流体力学的基本原理、基本方程和湍流半经验理论,分析、探讨了活塞风压力产生的机理,构成类别和列车、隧道长度及表面粗糙特性、阻塞比、行车速度等作用条件对活塞风的影响,提出活塞风压力和活塞风速度的计算方法。以实车的隧道空气动力学试验资料为参照进行对比计算,计算活塞风速度与实测结果较好符合。通过不同隧道长度、不同阻塞比和不同行车速度的系列组合计算,进行无量纲工况的综合分析,得出活塞风变化的一般特性。活塞风的计算方法和特性为活塞风的充分利用提供了重要依据。 Along with rapid development of railway construction in our country,it has high importance to determine the train piston wind in tunnels.From the point of functional transformation between the moving train and tunnel airflow,according to the fundamentals and basic equations of fluid mechanics and the turbulent half-experience theory,taking the train action segment as the pressure source of the piston wind,the mechanism and constitutional categories of the piston wind pressure and the influence of some conditions such as the lengths of trains and tunnels,surface rough characteristics,blockage ratio and train velocity,etc.on the piston wind are explored and the calculation method of the piston wind pressure and velocity is put forward.The calculated piston wind velocity accords with the measured result on site through making a comparison with tunnel aerodynamic test data of real vehicles.The general characteristics of the piston wind changes are derived from series combination calculations under different tunnel lengths,blockage ratios and train velocities,and from comprehensive analysis of dimensionless performance.The calculation method and performance provide important basis for full use of the piston wind.
出处 《铁道学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期140-145,共6页 Journal of the China Railway Society
关键词 铁路隧道 活塞风 计算方法 无量纲 特性 railway tunnel piston wind calculation method dimensionless performance
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