
Source side seismic tomography(3STomo):A novelmethod to image the subsurface structure beneath seismically active region

Source side seismic tomography(3STomo):A novelmethod to image the subsurface structure beneath seismically active region
摘要 We propose a novel seismic tomography method, Source Side Seismic Tomography (3STomo), which is designed particularly to image the subsurface structure beneath seismically active regions. Unlike the teleseismic tomography, in which the data are relative traveltime residuals between closely spaced stations for each teleseismic event, 3STomo uses relative traveltime shifts between earthquakes within the study region for each distant station. Given the relatively evener distribution of global seismic stations, this method has unique advantages for imaging the structure beneath regions that have numerous earthquakes but lack of dense seismic stations, for example, some subduction zones and spreading ridges in the ocean. In addition, 3STomo has potentially better vertical resolution at shallow depths than the traditional teleseismic tomo- graphy. The effect of the inaccurate source parameters on its resolution can be minimized by using depth phases and the technique of joint source and structure inversion. Numerical experiments and application to Luzon Island, Philippines show that 3STomo can be a valuable tool to investigate the subsurface structure beneath some areas where the traditional method cannot be applied to, or at least it can be used as a complementary component of conventional teleseismic tomography to obtain better back-azimuth coverage and achieve higher resolution at shallow depths in the inversion. We propose a novel seismic tomography method, Source Side Seismic Tomography (3STomo), which is designed particularly to image the subsurface structure beneath seismically active regions. Unlike the teleseismic tomography, in which the data are relative traveltime residuals between closely spaced stations for each teleseismic event, 3STomo uses relative traveltime shifts between earthquakes within the study region for each distant station. Given the relatively evener distribution of global seismic stations, this method has unique advantages for imaging the structure beneath regions that have numerous earthquakes but lack of dense seismic stations, for example, some subduction zones and spreading ridges in the ocean. In addition, 3STomo has potentially better vertical resolution at shallow depths than the traditional teleseismic tomo- graphy. The effect of the inaccurate source parameters on its resolution can be minimized by using depth phases and the technique of joint source and structure inversion. Numerical experiments and application to Luzon Island, Philippines show that 3STomo can be a valuable tool to investigate the subsurface structure beneath some areas where the traditional method cannot be applied to, or at least it can be used as a complementary component of conventional teleseismic tomography to obtain better back-azimuth coverage and achieve higher resolution at shallow depths in the inversion.
出处 《Earthquake Science》 CSCD 2010年第6期637-643,共7页 地震学报(英文版)
基金 Financial supports for this study were provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China granted No.41076019 the Program 973 through grant 2007CB411702 supported by the Shanghai Pujiang Program the Innovation Program of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission
关键词 seismic tomography teleseismic tomography subduction zone LITHOSPHERE Luzon Island seismic tomography, teleseismic tomography, subduction zone, lithosphere, Luzon Island
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