

Building Web Service by Topic-Group
摘要 针对传统Web服务机制的注册集中、标注语义缺乏和自动处理困难的问题,提出了一种基于主题组(Topic-Group)的Web服务机制;以基于超节点的peer-to-peer作为网络架构,OWL-S/UDDI作为服务注册平台,用语义Web服务技术对传统的Web服务机制进行了改进。研究表明,模型提高了Web服务的注册、发现和匹配的自动化处理能力。 To overcome the drawbacks with the registration concentration, lack of semantic description in label and difficult automatic processing of the traditional Web service mechanism, a Web service mechanism based on Topic-Group is proposeck With the supernode-based peer-to-peer as the network structure, the OWL--S/UDDI as the service registration platform and the technology of the semantic web services, the traditional Web service mechanism is improve& The research has shown that the model can enhance the automatic processing abilities of registration, detecting and matching in the Web services.
作者 陈磊 吴海波
出处 《滁州学院学报》 2010年第5期29-31,共3页 Journal of Chuzhou University
基金 安徽省高等学校优秀青年人才基金项目(2009SQRZ164) 安徽省高等学校自然科学研究项目(Kj20091462)
关键词 主题组 Peer-to—Peer WEB服务 OWL-S Topic-Group Peer-to-Peer Web services OWL-S
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