根据作者2009年在加拿大多伦多大学(University of Toronto,UofT)医学院神经病学系和美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California,Los Angeles,UCLA)神经病学系访问期间的观察和切身感受以及对北美神经病学专业住院医师培养流程的研究,并与国内目前的神经病学专业住院医师培养模式现状的比较,提出几点认识和思考。
According to the observations and researches about neurology residency training made respectively last year in the division of neurology of University of Toronto School of Medicine,Canada,and University of California,Los Angeles,and the comparison with current status of mode of neurology residency training in civil medical education,this article put forward some opinions and thinking for neurology residency training.
Researches in Medical Education