
英语高升调与女性语调特征 被引量:1

English High Rising Terminal and Women-s Intonation
摘要 现代语言学奠基人索绪尔认为语言是用来表达观念的符号系统。该论述为学习和研究英语语调提供了一个新的视角。英语语调模式的选择与话语者的身份、性别关系密切,具有重要的社会文化表征功能。文中简要论述英语高升调的社会文化表征功能和女性语调的特点,并利用母语语料库开展语音实验案例分析,用实验和数据统计分析来验证社会语言学家所观察的语调特征。 The founder of modern linguistics,Ferdinand De Saussure,held that a language is a system of signs expressing ideas. It has provided a new view in the study of English intonation. The choice of tone patterns is related closely to the speaker's social identity or gender difference,which is of important social and cultural functions. This writer makes a case study of the English high rising terminal and women's intonation,along with experimental phonetics approach and analysis of variance to examine the set intonational patterns claimed by some sociolinguists.
作者 蒋红柳
出处 《实验科学与技术》 2010年第6期88-92,共5页 Experiment Science and Technology
基金 四川大学新世纪教改工程项目(四期)成果
关键词 英语高升调 女性语调特征 社会性别差异 English high rising terminal women's intonation gender difference
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