Reclamation of land used temporarily for high-speed railway construction remains a challenge because of a variety of difficulties in technique and uncertainties in its effects.General methods for land reclamation suitability evaluation seem to fall short of somewhat subjective in the determination of the weights of factors.The variable weight method based on ecological niche-fitness is a weight determination method originating from ecological theory.It is of a significant advantage in substantially mitigating subjective intervention.In the study,the method was used to quantify the niche-fitness of land temporarily used for high speed-railway construction,with the objective to identify the unbalanced factors and deal with factors that are not robust in evaluation.A penalty function was introduced to increase the weights of the restraints in a systematic manner.The temporary land of Beijing-Shanghai high speed-railway Changzhou section was investigated.In the variable weight method,weights of evaluation indexes vary obviously.The weights of factors,e.g.,pile foundation density,plough horizon thickness,and the average digging depth,were increased greatly after the change was made,whereas some other factors were decreased accordingly.It was indicated that the major restraints for farmland reclamation are the pile foundation density,the plough horizon thickness,as well as the average digging depth.Likewise,the major restraints for construction land reclamation involved the complete degree of infrastructure and population density of service zone.Evaluation results of the reclamation suitability showed that the typical temporary land LC-01 was seriously damaged.To that end,the reclamation suitability for cultivated land was relatively low,suggesting a value of the reclamation suitability of only 0.347.The construction land was relatively high,with a value of 0.870.Compared with general weight-based evaluation methods which resulted in values of the reclamation suitability index of 0.615 for farmland and 0.915 for construction land,respectively,the results from the variable weight-based evaluation appear to be more objective and reasonable.In terms of the synthetic results,it was suggested that the land temporarily used for high-speed railway construction was converted into construction,which was generally in accord with reality.It is proposed that the follow-up utilization of temporary land for high-speed railway construction should be more diversified and consequently certain policies should be adjusted.The ecological niche-fitness based variable weight method is a combination of basic ecological theories and land sciences.It has been proved to be effective,and may also perform well in other studies associated with land evaluation.
Resources Science
Land reclamation suitability
Ecological niche-fitness
Variable weight
High-speed railway
Temporary construction land