
教育、经济增长与工薪差距——引入教育融资与支出政策的理论研究 被引量:5

Education,Economic Growth and Wage Inequality:Theoretical Study Based on Education Financing Policies and Expenditure Policies
摘要 文章将教育部门区分为高等教育部门和职业教育部门,考察教育、经济增长与工薪差距之间的复杂关系,将政府的教育融资与教育支出政策纳入生产函数中,讨论教育政策对经济增长和工薪差距的影响机制,刻画教育支出对经济增长与工薪差距的影响结果。 By dividing education departments into higher education sector and professional education sector,this paper explores the complex relationship among education,economic growth and wage inequality and introduces education financing and education expenditure policies into the production function to discuss the impacts of education expenditure on economic growth and wage inequality.
出处 《财经研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第12期16-26,共11页 Journal of Finance and Economics
基金 上海市哲学社会科学基金项目(2009BJL001) 上海市教委科研创新重点项目(09ZS49) 上海市教育科学研究项目(B09012)
关键词 高等教育 职业教育 经济增长 工薪差距 higher education professional education economic growth wage inequality
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