

A Study of the Curve Linear Relationship between Anticipated Emotion and Consumers' WTP under Consecutive Service Scenario
摘要 通过两次效价相反的服务情景模拟,考察预期情绪和购买意愿(WTP)的曲线关系,并通过实证发现其反S型曲线关系形式。结果表明:当启动信息效价与第一次服务经历相同、与第二次服务经历相反时,会导致显著的"期望落差"或"期望超越"效应,从而增强预期情绪对WTP效用的加权作用,使两者关系呈现显著的曲线形态;而当启动信息效价与第一次服务经历相反、与第二次服务经历相同时,则会激发个体对不同结果的预测,从而减缓预期情绪对WTP效用的加权作用,使两者曲线关系形式不显著。 This paper observes possible relationship of anticipated emotion and customers' willingness to pay (WTP) through simulating two adverse service scenario (failure-success or success-failure), and confirms the adverse S-shape curve linear relationship between them by doing empirical study. The results show that, when the priming information is the same in valance with the first service scenario, and different from the second service scenario, it can lead to significant "expectation gap" or "expectation beyond" effect, thereby enhance the weighted effect of anticipated emotion to WTP, and causes the significant curve linear shape effect. But when the priming information is different in valance with the first service scenario, and the same with the second service scenario, it will stimulate the prediction of different results, thereby slowdown the weighted effect of anticipated emotion to WTP, and the curve linear relationship is insignificant.
出处 《广东商学院学报》 北大核心 2010年第6期46-52,共7页 Journal of Guangdong University of Business Studies
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70972134)
关键词 服务营销 购买意愿 预期情绪 service marketing willingness to pay anticipated emotion
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