
自由、合作、政府引导:三类职业教育与培训模式的国际比较 被引量:5

International Comparison and Implications of Liberal,Coordinated and Government-led Vocational Eduction and Training System
摘要 西方国家将职业教育与培训分为自由主义、合作主义及政府引导型三类模式,其依据主要是职业教育和培训与教育体系、劳动力市场及政府和社会力量参与关联性。本文选取美国、德国和瑞典、韩国作为三类模式的典型代表进行国际比较,以期为我国职业教育与培训的发展提供有价值的启示与借鉴。 Liberal,coordinated and government-led vocational eduction and training(VET) system is one of important model classifications,to which western scholars have done a large number of studies.In this classification,the relationship between VET and educational system,VET and labour market,the role of government and social partners in VET have been studied in a view of international comparison.This paper selects the United States,Germany and Sweden,South Korea,as a typical representative of three models,so as to provide knowledge and reference for our country.
作者 米红 韩娟
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第23期69-74,共6页 Research in Educational Development
基金 国家自然科学重点资助项目"城乡劳动力市场整合机理与实现机制研究"(70933001)的资助
关键词 职业教育与培训 国际比较 vocational eduction and training system international comparison
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