
我国企业应对反倾销战略支持体系的构建与运行 被引量:2

The Construction and Operation of Strategic Supporting-System of Anti-dumping in China's Enterprises
摘要 由于我国经济增长的对外依存度高,1995年至今,我国一直是世界遭受反倾销调查数量最多的国家。当前不但发达国家大量对华反倾销,作为发展中国家中的一员,中国还遭到来自发展中国家的高密度反倾销。本文依托国际贸易基础理论,从我国出口企业频繁遭遇反倾销的现实状况入手,研究构建企业应对反倾销的战略支持体系,提出在政策层面实现制衡的同时,以行业协会为主体,组织协调涉案企业积极应对,提升企业应诉效率,为我国企业应对反倾销提供新的战略思路。 With China's economic growth of dependence upon foreign trade,China has been the country whose anti-dumping investigations were on the top list since 1995.As a member of developing countries,China has suffered anti-dumping from not only developed countries,but also developing countries.Based on international trade theories,this study starts with the reality of exporters often confronted with anti-dumping,makes a careful study of the construction of business strategic supporting-system to cope with the anti-dumping so as to promote the association governance and improve industrial warning mechanism,which provides a new strategic thinking and theoretical support for the exporters to cope with anti-dumping.
机构地区 中南大学商学院
出处 《系统工程》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第10期118-122,共5页 Systems Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70772039) 湖南省教育厅2009年一般项目(09C110)
关键词 战略管理 应对反倾销 体系构建 运行模型 Strategic Management Coping with Anti-dumping System Construction Operation Model
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