
以我国中小银行为样本实证分析董事会特征对银行绩效的影响 被引量:1

The characteristics of board of directors and It's effects on the small and medium-sized banks' performance in China
摘要 本文运用我国33家中小银行2007~2009年三年的均衡面板数据,运用统计和计量的方法,实证分析了我国中小银行董事会的相关特征与银行绩效之间的关系。研究表明:我国中小银行的董事会规模与其绩效成显著的负相关关系;董事会的独立性方面虽然越来越受到银行的重视,但仍与其绩效成负相关关系;女董事在董事会中所占的比例对银行绩效没有确定性的影响;董事长与银行行长两职合一的领导结构与绩效成不显著的正相关关系;董事会的会议次数与绩效成负相关关系,且不显著;董事会下设专业委员会的数量与绩效成正相关关系。 This paper examines the characteristics of board of directors and its effects on the small and medium-sized banks' performance in China during 2007~2009.We find that there is a significant negtive relation between board size and bank performance.Although the independence of the board of directors is taken into account more and more by the banks,but it is still negatively ralated with the bank being the one is performance.There is no certainty influence about the proportion of the femail board directors and the banks's performance.Board leadership structure where the chairman of board and president of the bank positively related to bank performance,but insignificant.The association between the annual number of board meetings and bank performance is insinificant negtively;the numbers of board committees is positively related to the bank performance.
作者 刘箐
出处 《山东轻工业学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第4期88-94,共7页 Journal of Shandong Polytechnic University
关键词 中小银行 董事会 银行绩效 small and medium-sized banks board of direetors bank performance
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