
四川省双流县永安中心卫生院基本情况现状调查 被引量:5

A Status Survey on Yong'an Central Township Health Center in Shuangliu County of Sichuan Province
摘要 目的调查四川省双流县永安中心卫生院服务与经营现状,为乡镇卫生院卫生技术人员配置和国家基本药物目录实施提供基线数据。方法采用问卷调查加专题访谈的方式调查该中心卫生院基本情况,内容包括一般情况、人员、经营及业务状况、基本药物目录实施情况等。结果该中心乡镇卫生院硬件条件良好,服务人群的经济水平和健康状况较好。卫生院医护比、医药比高于全国平均水平。医院员工大专以上学历占61.6%,88%的员工为初级及以下职称,人员流失与流入基本持平。2009年药品收入占业务收入的53.6%,医药费用比2008年增加。医院于2010年4月1日起实行基本药物目录,尚无相关配套技术文件。结论四川省双流县永安中心卫生院基础条件较好,但作为西部小康型乡镇卫生院,存在卫生技术人员结构不合理、学历和资质不高及员工流动性大等问题,需制定相应政策和不断完善相应措施。完全实行基本药物零差价销售可能对医院经营造成较大影响,需及时足额补贴及政策配套才能维持现有卫生服务水平。 Objective To understand current situation of medical service and management in Yong'an Central Township Health Center(YaC) through on-the-spot investigation,in order to provide references for personal employment and essential medicines list implement in township health centers.Methods Questionnaire and focus interview were carried out,which included the general information,human resources,medical service and management,and the practice of essential medicines list.Results The hardware equipments of YaC were fine,and the target population had fairly good health and economy status.The ratio of General Practitioner(GP)/ nurse and GP/ pharmacist were all above the national average level.The members with college degree and above accounted for 61.6%,and about 88% staffs were with or below primary profession titles.There was a balance between personnel flow out and in.The drug income accounted for 53.6% of the whole in 2009 and the medical expenses increased compared to 2008.Essential medicines list was put into practice in April 1st of 2010 with no relevant technical documents as correspondence.Conclusion YaC,as a good representative of fairly well-off rural Township Health Center in western China,needs to cope with challenges of irrational personnel structure,low educational background and professional title of the staff and human resources flow,and requires developing policy and adopting measures step by step.The management of YaC may be influenced by zero-profit price of the essential medicine,and appropriate subsidy and policy support are necessary to maintain current service quality.
出处 《中国循证医学杂志》 CSCD 2010年第12期1375-1380,共6页 Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Medicine
基金 十一五”国家科技支撑计划“乡镇卫生院药物配置与物流关键技术研究与产品开发”课题(编号:2008BAI65B22)
关键词 双流县永安中心卫生院 初级卫生保健 人力资源 基本药物目录 现状调查 Yong'an Central Township Health Center in Shuangliu County Primary health care Human resources Essential medicines list Status survey
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