

Construction on network simulation platform of OBS based on NS
摘要 以NS仿真软件基础,提出了一种通用的光突发网络仿真平台的构建方法。同时,以一个9节点的光突发网络为例,说明平台的仿真过程,并分析突发包端到端时延等测试结果,验证了平台的有效性。最后,利用平台扩展了光突发网络中三种典型的汇聚算法,比较它们在网络负载较大时的拥塞状况,总结这三种算法对网络性能的不同影响。 A construction method on simulation platform of Optical Burst Switching(OBS) networks based on NS is proposed in this paper.At the same time,the model of an OBS networks with nine nodes is presented,and the simulation processes are described in detail.The simulation results,such as end to end delay,are shown and discussed.These results verify the validity of the simulation platform.Finally,three typical OBS assembly algorithms are simulated in the extended application of this simulation platform.The different influences on the network performance are concluded by comparison of the congestion status of three assembly algorithms when the network load is quite heavy.
出处 《光通信技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期18-20,共3页 Optical Communication Technology
基金 山东大学自主创新基金(2009TS105)资助 威海市科技发展计划(2007063)资助
关键词 NS仿真平台 光突发交换网络 网络仿真 汇聚算法 NS simulation platform network simulation optical burst switching networks assembly algorithm
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