

On the Economic Growth of the Late-development Countries from the Perspective of Institutional Efficiency
摘要 制度决定论将制度作为内生变量纳入经济增长模型,但后发国家可以通过"搭便车"的方式引进制度,这时制度应作为外生变量考虑。以制度中性与一个周期条件下制度相对稳定为前提,以索洛增长模型作为分析工具,从制度效率的角度来探究制度影响国家经济增长的根本原因。同时解析影响制度效率的因素,强调一国的国民素质具有制度运行的基础核心作用。 Institution-determinism emphasizes institution as the endogenous variable in economic growth model,but the late-development countries can use "free-rider" ways of introducing the institution into their countries,and this time the institution should be considered as an exogenous variable.Based on the institution with a cycle of neutral condition as the premise and relatively stable growth model with Thoreau analytical tools,from the Institutional efficiency,we will explore a system under the influence of national economic reason.Also,the influence factors of institutional efficiency of national quality should be emphasized as the core system operation.
作者 饶逸飞
出处 《山东行政学院山东省经济管理干部学院学报》 2010年第6期55-57,共3页 Journal of Shandong Administrative College and Shandong Economic Management Personnel College
关键词 制度效率 经济增长 国民素质 Institutional Efficiency Economic Growth Quality of Citizens
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