We present a brief review on both observational and theoretical progress of the extended structures of AGNs(active galactic nuclei) in the recent years.With great improvements on both the space resolution and detection sensitivity of current instruments,these sub-structures, including knots and hot spots were observed in the radio,infrared,optical and X-ray bands. Hot spots are often found near the outmost boundaries of radio lobes,being regarded as jet termination.Knots are usually thought to be a part of a well-collimated jet.The two kinds of extended regions show different observational properties in the radio,optical,and X-ray bands. It is believed that the synchrotron radiation of relativistic electrons is responsible for the radio emission of these extended regions.The detection of polarization in the optical band indicates that the optical emission is also from synchrotron radiation.The X-ray radiation mechanisms of the extended regions are highly debated.For a few sources,the observed X-ray spectra smoothly connect to the radio-optical band,and can be fitted by the synchrotron radiation model,indicating that the X-rays of these sources are the high energy tail of the synchrotron radiation by the same electron population for the radio and optical emission.However,an inverse Compton(IC) scattering component,the synchrotron self-Compton(SSC) scattering and/or the IC/CMB(the relativistic electrons IC scattering the cosmic microwave background photons),is necessary to model the X-ray spectra for most of the sources.It is found that the X-ray emission for hot spots with high radio luminosity could be roughly explained with the SSC model under equipartition condition.But the same model cannot explain the X-ray emission for hot spots with low radio luminosity and the most knots.Considering the beaming effect,the IC/CMB model can reproduce the X-ray emission for most of the hot spots and knots under the equipartition condition.The deriving bulk Lorentz factors of the knots generally are larger than that of the hot spots.Both the SSC and IC/CMB models predict a prominent GeV-TeV emission for some sources,which could be detectable with H.E.S.S.and Fermi/LAT.The detections of these high energy emission would place much stronger constraints on the radiation mechanisms and on the physical parameters of these sources.
Progress In Astronomy
active galactic nuclei
hot spots
X-ray emission mechanisms