
齿轮裂纹对啮合刚度的影响分析 被引量:7

Analysis of Gear Crack’s Influence on Mesh Stiffness
摘要 通过对三维轮齿接触有限元分析,建立了正常和齿根与分度圆处不同裂纹故障的直齿圆柱齿轮三维实体有限元模型;通过对其啮合接触分析,求得不同状态下齿轮整个啮合过程的轮齿啮合综合刚度.分析结果表明:齿根裂纹对啮合刚度的影响要大于分度圆裂纹的影响.这对分析裂纹故障对齿轮啮合刚度的影响具有一定的指导作用. By means of the finite element analysis of gear tooth contact process,a three-dimensional solid finite element model for a straight toothed spur gear is built including a gear without crack and gears with crack’s at their tooth roots and reference circles separately.Through mesh analysis to every contact point,the integration stiffness of the gear is obtained according to the deformation and load on the gear tooth during the whole engagement process.The results indicate that the influence of the tooth root crack on the gear mesh stiffness was higher than that of the reference circle crack.The study is of meaningful for exploring the relations between the crack failure of the tooth and the mesh stiffness of the gear.
出处 《车辆与动力技术》 2010年第4期53-56,共4页 Vehicle & Power Technology
关键词 直齿圆柱齿轮 裂纹 啮合刚度 Straight toothed spur gear Crack Mesh stiffness
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