
过渡金属掺杂ZnO稀磁半导体分析技术的研究现状 被引量:2

Current Research State of Analysis Technology of TM-doped ZnO-based DMSs
摘要 过渡金属(TM)掺杂获得铁磁性ZnO基稀磁半导体(DMSs)的报道很多,但其铁磁性是否有微量磁性TM原子团簇或第二相的贡献存在争议。从磁性测量和磁性TM原子团聚及第二相的排除两方面综述了TM掺杂ZnODMSs本征铁磁性检证的常用方法,着重分析了元素特征分析技术在过渡金属掺杂ZnO中的应用。 Ferromagnetic ZnO-based diluted magnetic semiconductors(DMSs) by transition metal-doping has been reported in many literatures. However, whether there are magnetic contributions from some microcontent magnetic TM atoms cluster or secondary phase is still debated, Based on measuring of magnetic properties and exclusion of TM atoms cluster and the second phase, some typical techniques used to verify the intrinsic ferromagnetic of TMdoped ZnO DMSs have been reviewed and element specific analysis methods are discussed emphatically.
作者 王古平
出处 《材料导报(纳米与新材料专辑)》 EI 2010年第2期351-355,359,共6页
基金 台州学院校立项目资助(09ND11)
关键词 ZNO 稀磁半导体 本征铁磁性 分析技术 TM掺杂 ZnO, DMSs, intrinsic ferromagnetic, analysis technology, TM-doped
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