报告1例胶样粟丘疹。患者女,52岁。眼周、舌部丘疹2年,手部角化斑1年。体格检查:双眼周可见多个直径3~5 mm的肤色和棕色丘疹,舌及下唇黏膜下散在直径2~3 mm的黄白色小结节,部分为紫红色。组织病理学检查:真皮上层许多无结构均质的嗜酸性物质,结晶紫和刚果红染色阴性。诊断:胶样粟丘疹。该病需要和原发性系统性淀粉样变性病及类脂蛋白沉积症鉴别。
A case of colloid milium of muhiple eruptions is reported. A 52-year-old woman presented with papules around the eyes and on the tongue for two years and keratotic plaque on the hand for one year. Dermatologic examination revealed multiple flesh-col- ored or brown papules from 3 to 5 mm in size around the eyes. There were multiple submucosal dome-shaped nodules distributed on the lower-lip and the ventral surface of the tongue. The nodules varied from 2 to 3 mm in size and were translucent white to yellowish in color, and a few of which were auburn, Histopathological examination showed an eosinophilic subepidermal deposition with amor- phous homogenized structure. Both crystal violet and Congo red staining were negative. The diagnosis of colloid milium was confirmed. The differential diagnosis should include primary systemic amyloidosis and lipoid proteinosis.
Journal of Clinical Dermatology