
粮菜间套作带型运用规律的研究 被引量:5

Study on the Strip Type of Grain-Vegetable Inter-Relay Cropping
摘要 本研究在高产田条件下,针对小麦‖大蒜(春甘蓝)/玉米‖蔓生菜豆(黄瓜或花椰菜)模式,设计1.5m、2.0m、2.5m、3.0m及3.5m五种带宽,采用大小畦播种,小畦宽均为0.7m,大畦宽分别为0.8m、1.3m、1.8m、2.3m及2.8m.小麦种植在大畦上,冬春菜与小麦间作种植在0.7m的小畦上.0.7m小畦上的冬春菜收获后,套种两行玉米,小麦收获后,在原小麦畦上种植秋菜(架菜豆、架黄瓜或花椰菜),与玉米形成间作.以小麦一玉米和相应单作蔬菜作对照.试验的主要结果是:(1)小麦随带型由窄变宽产量提高.带宽2.0m以上,小麦产量即可得到保证.(2)随带型由窄变宽,玉米产量逐渐下降.带宽在2.5m以下时,既有利于发挥玉米随宽行距加宽而单株产量提高的补偿效应,又能保证玉米有一定的占地面积,利于保证玉米产量.(3)随带型由窄变宽,间作冬春菜的产量下降.带型之间间作冬春菜的单株产量差异较小,产量高低,主要取决于占地面积.间作冬春菜产量较单作对照显著减产,是占地面积少和单株产量下降双重作用的结果.(4)间作秋菜随带型由窄变宽产量提高.间作秋菜产量低于单作.对空间生态位较高的架菜豆、架黄瓜而言,间作较单作减产,主要是占地面积少所致,间作的单株产量较单作不低或提高;而对空间生态位较低的花椰菜而言,间作产量较单作低,是由占地面积少和单株产? In order to utilize the land resources more economically and to obtain the higher gains per unit area, a grain-vegetable inter-relay experiment was carried on under high-yielding condition. A wheat || garlic (spring cabbage)/corn || climbing bean (cucumber or cauliflower) model was designed with 5 kinds of strip types whose width were 1. 5 m, 2. 0 m, 2. 5 m, 3. 0 m, and 3. 5m respectively. Each of the strips was subdivided into sub-strip, a narrower and a broader one. The narrower sub-strip was always 0. 7 m in width, whereas the width of the broader sub-strips were 0. 8m, 1.3m, 1.8m, 2. 3m and 2.8m respectively. Wheat and winter-spring vegetables were planted in autumn, on the broader and narrower substrips, respectively. After the winter-spring vegetable was harvested, 2 rows of corn were planting on the narrower sub-strips, intercropping with wheat. When wheat was harvested, the broader sub-strips were relayed with autumn vegetable. Thus, a grain-vegetable inter-relay cropping system was established , with wheat-corn relay and single cropping of vegetable as checks. The main results were as follows; (1) The yield of wheat increased as the strip became broader; strip-width of 2 or more meter could guarantee a bumper harvest. (2) The yield of corn decreased as the strip became broader; strip-width no more than 2. 5 m could bring along good harvest. (3) The yield of winter-spring vegetable decreased sharply when the strip-width became broader, although the yield of single plant did not change very much. The main reason of the decreased yield of the winter-spring vegetables on narrower strip, than the check, was the decreased area. (4) The yield of the intercropped autumn vegetable increased as the sub-strip became broader, but it was lower than that of the check. The decrease of the inter-cropped autumn vegetables than the check depends on the types of vegetable. It was less serious with climbing bean and cucumber, because they suffered less by shading from corn, it was more serious with cauliflower, because it is short and suffered more by shading. (5) The merit or drawback of a particular strip type are both relative and absolute considering optimum yield of the grains and vegetable crops, in order to regulate the relationship between and within species, and to utilize fully the land resources, it is suggested that strip width 2. 0 m and 2. 5 m should be the best choice; 1. 5 m and 3. 0 m rank second; and 3.5m the worst.
出处 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第3期356-363,共8页 Acta Agronomica Sinica
关键词 粮食 蔬菜 套作 间套作 带型 Inter-relay cropping Strip type Grain-vegetable inter-relay cropping
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  • 7刘巽浩,作物学报,1981年,7卷,1期,63页
  • 8李家文,中国农业科学,1962年,1期,43页












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