
印象管理图式的反应特点和加工机制 被引量:4

The Reaction Property and Processing Mechanism of Impression Management Schemes
摘要 以中学生为对象考察了印象管理自我图式、语义图式的反应特点和加工特征。研究一在预测的基础上运用自编制情境问卷探讨了两个图式下不同角色的印象管理反应特点,结果发现语义图式下印象管理水平高,尤以人际道德角色更高,自我图式下能力角色高掩饰。研究二通过现场情境实验检验了两种图式下高中生对印象管理词汇和诚实反应词汇的回忆辨别力和判断标准,发现词汇辨别力和判断标准出现了指数性分离,自我图式判断标准更严。结论:印象管理自我图式加工有更强的内隐性,语义图式下的印象管理行为具有刻板化和程式化倾向。 Two studies explored the reaction property and implicit processing mechanism of impression management self schema and semantic schema in the adolescents. The situation tests based on the prediction in Study 1 surveyed 633 students' opinion about the acting level of roles when they acted the interpersonal-moral role and the ability role under the semantic schema and the self schema. The results presented that the acting level of the semantic schema is higher,especially for the interpersonal-moral role. The ability role under the self schema had more acting. Study 2 set up a field situation experiment of a campaign scene. Students from Grade 11 of two schemes had the same d' and different β to acting response words and true response words. The β in the self schema was strict. These results showed that the processing of the self scheme was more implicit than the semantic schema and the acting impression management behavior in the semantic schema was stereotyped.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期1385-1388,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年项目(09YJCXLX016) 陕西师范大学人文社会科学研究基金(08SYB08)资助
关键词 印象管理 自我图式 语义图式 情境 impression management self schema semantic schema situation
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