
CAT初始阶段被试能力估计方法改进探究 被引量:2

The Improvement of Estimators in the Initial Ability Estimation of CAT
摘要 在CAT初始阶段被试作答的信息较少,对被试能力进行合理和稳健的估计比较困难。本文设计CAT测试过程的代表性测验样例,使用不同能力估计方法比较CAT初始阶段的被试能力估计情况。在单参数模型下,在题量较少时,EAPE-N(0,0.5)方法的能力估计的合理性和稳健性要相对优于MLE、EAPE-N(0,2)、EAPE-N(0,1)方法。在CAT测试过程中可以先使用先验分布方差较小的EAPE方法进行估计,随着测试题量增加,逐步增大EAPE方法的先验分布方差,并可以和a分层选题策略结合起来使用。 From initial ability estimation to interim ability estimation in the process of a computerized adaptive test,there are a few responses to the items. The authors design a classic sample test which represents a part of CAT in the initial ability estimation. Under one-parameter logistic model,the ability estimation of the method of EAPE-N(0,0.5) is more accurate and robust than the method of MLE,EAPE-N(0,1),EAPE-N(0,2). The authors propose new methods that in the process of ininitial ability estimation and interim ability estimation:firstly we can use the method of EAPE with smaller prior variance,for example,EAPE-N(0,0.5). As the examinees make responses to more items,we can use the method of EAPE with bigger prior variance,for example,EAPE-N(0,1.5),or EAPE-N(0,2). And a-Stratified multistage can be applied in the initial estimation while the method of the adjusted EAPE is uosed.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期1470-1472,共3页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地项目(2009JJDXLX006) 广东省自然科学基金项目(9151063101000002)的资助
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