
α-酮戊二酸对脂多糖应激仔猪血浆胰岛素、氨基酸含量及腓肠肌mTOR信号传导途径的影响 被引量:8

Effects of α-ketoglutarate on Plasma Concentrations of Insulin and Amino Acids and mTOR Signal Transduction in Gastrocnemius of Piglets Challenged by Lipopolysaccharide
摘要 本试验研究了α-酮戊二酸(α-ketoglutarate,AKG)对脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)应激仔猪血浆胰岛素、氨基酸浓度及腓肠肌mTOR、p70S6K表达及磷酸化水平的影响。选用18头健康的(24±1)日龄断奶仔猪,随机分成3个处理(对照组、LPS组、AKG-LPS组),每个处理6个重复。各组基础饲粮一致,对照组和LPS组饲喂基础饲粮,AKG-LPS组饲喂基础饲粮+1%AKG。试验期为16 d,于第10、12、14和16天清晨,LPS组和AKG-LPS组仔猪分别腹膜注射80μg/kg的LPS。第16天注射LPS 3 h后,前腔静脉采血。第17天屠宰取腓肠肌待测。LPS应激可提高仔猪血浆谷氨酸(glutamic acid,Glu)浓度(P<0.10),降低血浆胰岛素水平及腓肠肌P-mTOR/T-mTOR和P-p70S6K/T-p70S6K的值(P<0.05);饲粮中添加1%AKG可缓解应激仔猪血浆Glu浓度升高(P<0.05)、胰岛素水平(P<0.10)及腓肠肌P-mTOR/T-mTOR和P-p70S6K/T-p70S6K的值降低(P<0.05)。由此可见,1%AKG可缓解LPS应激造成的血浆胰岛素降低和Glu浓度的升高,显著改善LPS应激导致的腓肠肌mTOR和p70S6K磷酸化水平的降低。 The study was conducted to investigate the effects of α-ketoglutarate(AKG) on concentrations of insulin and amino acids in plasma,expression and phosphorylation levels of mTOR and p70S6K in gastrocnemius of piglets challenged by lipopolysaccharide(LPS).Eighteen healthy weanling piglets aged(24±1) days were randomly assigned into 3 treatments(6 replicates per group): control group,LPS group and AKG-LPS group.Piglets in the control and LPS group were fed basal diet,and those in the AKG-LPS group were fed basal diet+1% AKG.The experiment lasted for 16 days.On d 10,12,14 and 16,piglets in the LPS and AKG-LPS group were injected intraperitoneally with LPS at 80 μg/kg,and those in the control group were injected with the same dose of normal saline.On d 16,blood samples were collected after 3 h of LPS injection.On d 17,gastrocnemius samples of all piglets were collected for analysis after being butchered.LPS challenge increased glutamine concentration(P0.10) and reduced insulin concentration(P0.05) in plasma,while reduced P-mTOR/T-mTOR and P-p70S6K/T-p70S6K in gastrocnemius(P0.05).Dietary supplementation of 1% AKG alleviated the increase of glutamine concentration(P0.05),the decrease of plasma insulin concentration(P0.10),and the decrease of P-mTOR/T-mTOR,and P-p70S6K/T-p70S6K in gastrocnemius(P0.05).In conclusion,dietary supplementation of 1% AKG can alleviate the decrease of insulin concentration and increase of glutamine concentration in plasma,and significantly alleviate the decrease of phosphorylation of mTOR and p70S6K induced by LPS challenge.
出处 《动物营养学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期1724-1729,共6页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANIMAL NUTRITION
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30871801) 湖北省自然科学基金计划创新群体项目(2007ABC009) 湖北省高等学校优秀中青年团队计划项目(T200810) 武汉市学术带头人计划项目(200951830554)
关键词 Α-酮戊二酸 LPS应激 仔猪 腓肠肌 胰岛素 氨基酸 mTOR信号传导 α-ketoglutarate LPS challenge piglets gastrocnemius insulin amino acids mTOR signal transduction
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