4Thomas Collett Sandrs, The Institute of Justinian with English Introduction, Translation, and Notes, The Lawbook Exchange LTD. , Clark , New Jersey, 2007,p. 527.
7J. B. Bury , History of the Later Roman Empire, Macmillan & Co. , Ltd. , London, 1923,p. 339.
8Vease Pedro Gomez de la Serna,D. Justiniani Institutionum Libri IV, Tomo I, Libreria de Sanchez, Madrid, Tomo 1,1856, pag. 40,p. 315,p. 316,p. 319.
10The Civil Law including The Twelve Tables,The Institutes of Gaius, The Rules of Ulpian, The Opinions of Paulus, The Enactments of Justinian, and The Constitution of Leo,Trans. and edited by S. P. Scott, Cincinnati,The General Trust Company, 1932, Vol. XIV,p. 161.