

Clinical anlaysis of 6 cases with severe A/H1N1 influenza
摘要 目的提高危重型新型A/H1N1流感(简称甲流)的诊疗效果。方法对2009年11月~2010年1月我院发热隔离病区6例危重型甲流的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果危重型甲流临床表现以发热、咳嗽、咯血、呼吸困难为主要症状,均出现呼吸衰竭,肺部病灶进展快,均有3个以上肺叶受累,其中2例(33%)发展为ARDS,且合并症及并发症较多。经奥司他韦、利巴韦林抗病毒,亚胺培南西司他丁、伊曲康唑等抗感染及加强支持、保护重要脏器功能,患者均康复出院。结论早发现、早诊断、早期合理使用抗病毒治疗,积极处理合并症及并发症、维护心、肝、肾等多脏器功能,防治多器官功能衰竭可挽救患者的生命。 Objective To improve the diagnosis of and treatment effect on patients with severe A/H1N1 influenza.Methods Retrospective analysis of the clinical data of 6 cases with severe A/H1N1 influenza in department of severe A/H1N1 influenza was conduted during Nov.2009 to Jan.2010.Results The main clinical presentations of severe A/H1N1 influenza included fever,cough,hemoptysis and dyspnea.Respiratory failure was the typical clinical characteristics.An extensive pulmonary infiltration developed quickly,and 2 cases(33%)developed ARDS,and the symptoms were complications outside the lung.Conclusion Early administration of oseltamivir,early protection of organ function and adequate support therapy may be useful for the treatment of severe A/H1N1 influenza.
机构地区 宝鸡市中心医院
出处 《临床肺科杂志》 2011年第1期13-14,共2页 Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
关键词 危重型新型A/H1N1流感 诊断 治疗 severe A/H1N1 influenza diagnosis treatment
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