Objective:Based on the 4,067 descriptions about fever in the medical records of the well-known Chinese medicine physicians throughout the ages, 19 different clinical features of fever are summarized as follows: chilly fever, high fever, low fever, dull fever, bones fever, alternating chills and fever, tidal fever, head fever, face fever, chest fever, back fever, abdomen fever, waist fever, palms and soles fever, lower extremity fever, afternoon fever, evening fever, postpartum fever, and menstrual fever. Although, some of these fever features have not be paid close attention to in Western medicine, stage-division and classification about fever in Western medicine deserve to be used by Chinese medicine for reference.
Objective:Based on the 4,067 descriptions about fever in the medical records of the well-known Chinese medicine physicians throughout the ages, 19 different clinical features of fever are summarized as follows: chilly fever, high fever, low fever, dull fever, bones fever, alternating chills and fever, tidal fever, head fever, face fever, chest fever, back fever, abdomen fever, waist fever, palms and soles fever, lower extremity fever, afternoon fever, evening fever, postpartum fever, and menstrual fever. Although, some of these fever features have not be paid close attention to in Western medicine, stage-division and classification about fever in Western medicine deserve to be used by Chinese medicine for reference.
supported by National Key Basic Research Development Program (973) of China (No.2003CB517101)
National Natural Science Fund Project of China (No.30772695)
11th Five-year National Science Support Project of China (No.2006BAI08B01-05)