目的了解不同专科层次护生的自主学习能力。方法按照随机数字表抽取2007级大学2年级专科护生360名,采用一般资料调查表和护理专业专科护生自主学习能力量表进行调查。结果 5年一贯制大专、高护、职护护生的自主学习能力得分分别为(88.70±6.03)分、(95.43±4.49)分、(102.93±6.46)分,总分及各维度间差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论针对不同专科层次护生的自主学习能力,有计划、有目的、有针对性地设计教学方案与策略,对提高专科护生自主学习能力具有重要意义。
Objective To investigate the independent learning ability of junior college nursing students with different educational backgrounds. Methods A total of 360 junior college nursing students who were at the second year and enrolled in 2007 were recruited and investigated with Undergraduate Nursing Students Independent Learning Ability Scale. Results The total scores of the independent learning ability of junior college nursing students (5 - year program, advanced nursing program and vocational nursing program) were ( 88.70±6.03 ) , (95.43±4.49 ) , ( 102.93 ±6.46 ) respectively. There were significant differences on the total score and factor scores of independent learning ability among the nursing students with different educational backgrounds. Conclusion Based on the different levels of the independent learning ability, teaching programs and strategies should be designed purposefully and specifically, which are of great significance for improving nursing students' independent learning ability.
Journal of Nursing Administration
junior college
nursing student
independent learning ability