
无线传感器网络中滑动窗口自愈的密钥分发机制 被引量:1

Sliding-window self-healing key distribution mechanism for WSN
摘要 基于双向散列链的自愈组密钥分发机制存储、通信和计算效率高,但易遭受敌方的合谋攻击。针对这一问题,提出了滑动窗口自愈的密钥分发机制。采用带密钥的双向散列链,引入自愈密钥参与会话密钥的计算。通过滑动窗口控制自愈区间,减少了密钥暴露,实现了抗区间合谋攻击的能力。相关分析和仿真结果表明,相比于前人的工作,该方法在保证效率的前提下,大大降低了合谋风险,有效地提高了安全性。 Self-healing group key distribution mechanism based on dual direction hash chain has received extensive attention for its property advantages of high performance in terms of storage, communication and computation complexity. However, it is usually vulnerable to collusive attack from its adversaries. This paper presented a sliding-window self-healing key distribution mechanism for the collusion problem. It used the hash function with a key to form dual directional hash chain. The self-healing key took part in the computing of the corresponding session key. By using a sliding-window, limited the self-healing interval to a certain range, which reduced the exposure of keys and achieved the capability of resisting collusion attack from nodes lying outside the self-healing interval. Correlation analysis and simulation results show that compared with the former works, the key distribution mechanism greatly lower the risk of collusion attack and effectively improves security under the same efficiency level.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期338-340,351,共4页 Application Research of Computers
关键词 无线传感器网络 组通信 密钥分发 滑动窗口自愈 合谋攻击 wireless sensor network (WSN) group communication key distribution sliding-window self-healing collusionattack
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