We consider a non-rotating strongly magnetized object, whose magnetic induction is of the form Bx= Bo (t) sin kz. In the electromagnetic field generated by only one component of the four-vector potential, we solve the Klein- Gordon equation and discuss the sudden growth of the scalar wave functions for wavenumbers inside computable ranges. In the case of unexcited transversal kinetic degrees, we write down the recurrent differential system for the amplitude functions and compute the respective conserved eurrents.
We consider a non-rotating strongly magnetized object, whose magnetic induction is of the form Bx= Bo (t) sin kz. In the electromagnetic field generated by only one component of the four-vector potential, we solve the Klein- Gordon equation and discuss the sudden growth of the scalar wave functions for wavenumbers inside computable ranges. In the case of unexcited transversal kinetic degrees, we write down the recurrent differential system for the amplitude functions and compute the respective conserved eurrents.