
氢氧发动机湍流两相燃烧三维全尺寸数值仿真 被引量:2

Numerical Simulation of 3-D Full-scale Turbulent Two-phase Combustion Flow in LOX/Hydrogen Rocket Engine
摘要 基于离散颗粒模型,采用单元内颗粒源法对某氢氧火箭发动机湍流两相燃烧流场进行了三雏全尺寸数值仿真。液氧雾化液滴采用Rosin-Rammler分布模型,其质量平均直径采用同轴直流喷嘴雾化模型计算;考虑液氧高压蒸发过程;燃烧速率采用湍流脉动机制和Arrhenius机制共同控制。所得液氧喷雾分布和其它流场参数与试车数据吻合,所提方法可应用于其它火箭发动机内流场的数值仿真,为发动机设计提供基础数据。 Based on the discrete particle model, the 3-D full-scale turbulent two-phase combustion flow in a LOX/Hydrogen rocket engine was numerically simulated by the PSIC algorithm. The Rosin-Rammler model was adopted to describe the distribution of the LOX spraying droplets whose mass averaged diameter was computed using the special spray model for the shear coaxial injector. In addition, the high pressure evaporation process was considered and the reaction rate was controlled by both the turbulent fluctuations method and the Arrhenius method. The spray distribution of LOX obtained by simulation is in agreement with that obtained from the hot-firing test of the engine, as well as other flow parameters. The models and the algorithm can also be used in simulation of combustion flow in other engines, which can provide foundational data for designing of the rocket engine.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期52-55,共4页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金(50576105)
关键词 氢氧火箭发动机 两相 喷雾 流场 数值仿真 LOX/hydrogen rocket engine two-phase spray flow field numerical simulation
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