

Hepatic gross examination and pathological changes on mice with cadmium poisoning treated with polysaccharides from Agaricus blazei Murrill.
摘要 目的:探讨姬松茸多糖对镉中毒小鼠肝脏剖检及病理组织学变化的影响,明确其治疗效果。方法:将45只SPF级雄性健康小白鼠随机分为对照组、模型组、多糖治疗组,造模5周后,多糖治疗组用300mg/kg·d多糖治疗,连续20d。结果:姬松茸多糖对小鼠镉中毒肝脏损伤的恢复有一定促进作用。 Objective: Effect of polysaccharides from Agaricus blazei Murrill, on hepatic pathological changes on mice with cadmium poisoning was evaluated. Methods: 45 SPF grade male healthy mice were randomly divided into the control group, the model group and polysaccharides therapeutical group. Five weeks after the model was prepared, therapeutical group was given 300 mg/kg ,d polysaccharides for 20 days. Results: Hepatic injury of polysaccharides group was alleViated than that of the model group. These results indicated that polysaccharides from Agaricus btazei murrill, may have a certain therapeutical effects on liver of mice with cadmium poisoning.
出处 《中兽医医药杂志》 2010年第6期21-23,共3页 Journal of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine
基金 天津市科委健康养殖与安全专项(08ZCKFNC00200 )
关键词 姬松茸多糖 肝脏 病理损伤 polysaccharides Agaricus blazei Murrill. cadmium poisoning liver injury
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