
SAN-EBON:一种基于结构化对等网的P2P工作流系统节点定位网络 被引量:4

SAN-EBON:A Novel P2P Location Network Based on Structured Overlay Network for P2P Workflow System
摘要 基于P2P的工作流系统符合工作流去中心化的发展趋势.目前,P2P工作流系统主要是基于非结构化P2P网络构建的.然而,非结构化P2P网络提供的泛洪或基于超级节点的中心化发现策略和中心化的负载分配机制无法满足大型P2P工作流系统在动态环境下的需求.因此,在基于非结构化P2P网络构建的工作流系统中,节点发现和任务负载均衡成为制约系统性能的关键因素.文中提出一种新的基于结构化P2P网络的工作流系统节点定位网络——SAN-EBON.该系统采用分层逐步求精的节点发现策略,外层在服务聚类的基础上首次在工作流系统中引入服务定位网络组织服务联盟,构建一种新的多层结构化P2P网络SAN,实现服务的快速发现;内层构建一种新的负载均衡网络EBON,使用基于随机图的增强算法实现服务联盟内部实时的去中心化负载均衡,与SAN结合,从而达到提高发现效率和精度、降低通信带宽的目的. The P2P workflow systems which are so far based on unstructured P2P network meet the development trend of workflow systems.Both discovery of system peers and decentralized load balancing are key factors having a great impact on the performance of this kind of systems,especially the running time of workflow instance.Unstructured P2P systems have exhibited common weakness such as flood routing and centralized load distribution which limit system application in large-scale and dynamic environments.This paper presents a novel location network based on structured P2P network named SAN-EBON for P2P workflow system,which uses a hierarchical step-wise refinement strategy.Be the first to structure network of service alliances using SAN which is an innovative structured P2P network based on the services cluster in workflow system,and encode the information about each node's available computational resources in structure of an enhanced random graph in the alliance,which is named EBON,to achieve decentralized real-time load balancing.The combination of SAN and EBON raises the efficiency and precision of peers location and lower communication bandwidth and network fluctuation.
作者 高磊 曾广周
出处 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期2353-2363,共11页 Chinese Journal of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金(60573169)资助 the Shandong Province Project under grant No.1031110123~~
关键词 P2P工作流系统 结构化P2P网络 服务联盟 服务寻址网络 平衡覆盖网 P2P workflow system structured P2P network services alliance services addressed network balanced overlay networks
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