
热处理对多层不锈钢复合材料组织和性能的影响 被引量:2

Influence of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Multi-layer Stainless Steel Composite
摘要 研究了用累积复合轧制技术制备的8层不锈钢复合材料,经(200~900)℃×(0.5~2)h热处理后,微观组织以及力学性能的变化。结果表明:在保温时间不变的条件下,随热处理温度升高,微观组织逐步经历了回复→再结晶→晶粒长大的过程,抗拉强度和硬度下降,塑性提高,600℃以上温度变化较为显著;在温度不变的条件下,随保温时间的延长,组织和力学性能变化不是很明显。试样弯曲90°试验未见明显分层和撕裂迹象,且拉伸试样均为韧性断裂。采用600℃×1 h的热处理制度,材料的综合力学性能较佳。 The microstructure and mechanical properties of 8-layered stainless steel composite prepared by accumulative rolling-bond(ARB) after annealing at 200 ℃~900 ℃ for(0.5~2) h were studied.The results show that,as the annealing temperature increasing,with a constant annealing time,the microstructure experiences an evolvement of recovery →recrystallization→grain growing,and the plasticity increases,but the tensile strength and microhardness decrease at the same time.Above 600℃,the change is remarkable.Meanwhile,with a constant temperature,as the annealing time increasing,both microstructure and mechanical properties change slightly.All the specimens exhibit no fracture or delamination when they are bent to 90°,and all the tensile test specimens are ductile fracture.For a better comprehensive mechanical property,annealing at 600℃ for 1 h is suggested.
出处 《热加工工艺》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第22期140-143,共4页 Hot Working Technology
基金 宝钢科研基金资助项目(X04061) 陕西省级重点学科建设项目(E02003)
关键词 热处理 不锈钢 复合材料 组织 力学性能 heat treatment stainless steel composite microstructure mechanical property
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