
一种应用于社交网络中的时延容忍路由协议 被引量:2

Delay tolerant routing protocol in social networks
摘要 基于传染方式的时延容忍路由并不适合直接应用于社交网络中,不可控的冗余数据包不但极大增加了网络的负载,同时也使得节点极易受到DoS攻击。通过分析社交网络的小世界特性,构建了基于社会关系的网络拓扑模型,并基于该模型提出了一种安全高效的时延容忍路由协议。通过实验,证明了基于节点的社会关系特性,该路由协议可以有效地保证重要数据包的成功转发,并降低节点被DoS攻击的风险。 Epidemic based delay tolerant routing protocol is not suitable for direct application in social networks. The uncontrolled redundant messages increased network payload and made the nodes be easy attacked by DoS. It presented a network topology model based on the small world characteristic of social networks,proposed a security and efficient delay tolerant routing protocol for this topology model. The experiment proves that based on the social tie of nodes,the proposed routing protocol can guarantee delivery rate for important messages and decrease risk of DoS attack.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期4732-4734,共3页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60803001) 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK2007593)
关键词 社交网络 时延容忍网络 六度分割理论 小世界 路由协议 social networks delay tolerant networks( DTN) six degrees of separation small world routing protocol
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