由病原菌Pestalotiopsis sp.造成的核桃病害在大理州危害严重.2006-2009年连续4年的研究表明:在越冬期进行清园,核桃萌芽前、展叶后和座果后(错开花期)分别喷施5°、0.5°、0.3°的石硫合剂,发病期喷施80%的甲基托布津与90%百菌清混合剂(按1∶1混合)1 200倍液,通过清园、预防与化学防治有机结合,并辅以合理营林措施,能有效防治该病原菌的危害并迅速恢复核桃产量.
Walnut disease caused by pathogen Pestalotiopsis sp.in Dali prefecture is very serious.This research conducted in four consecutive years from 2006 to 2009 shows that cleaning up the garden during winter,spraying 5°,0.5°,0.3°lime-sulphur before walnut sprout,after leaves showing and after fruit(avoid flowering stage),and spraying 1200 times mixture(1∶ 1 mixture) of 80% thiophanate methyl and 90% chlorothalonil during disease period.Through garden cleaning and of chemical prevention and control,supported by reasonable forest management measures,the hazard of the pathogen can be effectively controlled and the walnut production can be rapidly restored.
Forest Inventory and Planning