
高速公路大型货车影响的改善措施研究 被引量:8

Research on Improvement Measures for Influence of Heavy Truck on Expressway
摘要 针对大型货车产生的移动瓶颈现象,通过分析移动瓶颈流量-密度曲线,从车流控制角度提出采取车道拓宽和货车车道限制措施来消除不利影响,并应用微观仿真软件TSIS进行仿真实验研究。以投资-效益比最优为原则,采用成本-效果图评价不同拓宽方案的设置效果;对于货车车道限制措施,则用车辆换车道次数等指标进行分析,得到不同流量和货车比例下应采取的合理改善措施。 On the basis of the moving bottleneck phenomenon of heavy trucks and the analysis of flow-density relation,the increase of lane number and truck lane restriction are proposed to eliminate the unfavorable influence of trucks on expressway,and Microscopic Traffic Simulation Software TSIS is used to simulate the experimental schemes.Taking aim at optimal investment efficiency,cost-effectiveness graph is used to evaluate the effect for widening projects,while for the truck lane restriction,the number of lane changes is chosen as the evaluation index to analyze,finally,the reasonable measures under different flow and truck percents can be obtained from above aspects.
出处 《公路》 北大核心 2010年第12期118-123,共6页 Highway
关键词 高速公路 车道限制 爬坡车道 移动瓶颈 交通仿真 货车 expressway lane restriction climbing lane moving bottleneck traffic simulation truck
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