

Experiment on Thermal Stratification in a Rectangular Storage Tank with Discal Water Diffusers
摘要 搭建了一套采用圆盘式水分布器布水和矩形水槽蓄冷水的蓄冷系统。通过改变供、回水温度,调节流量,分别进行了蓄冷模式实验和静置模式实验。结果表明:在物性参数、几何参数以及运行工况参数稳定的条件下,槽内温度场主要受单个布水器出口流量的影响。合理有效的流量控制措施有利于提高蓄冷系统效率和冷水机组运行能效比;对于以日为周期的电价峰平谷段运行机制,静置后的蓄冷系统仍能满足间歇供冷要求,但蓄冷系统和冷水机组的效率均下降。 A chilled water storage system using discal diffusers and a rectangular storage tank was set up.Experiments in charging mode and static mode of operation were carried out at different supply and return water temperatures,and flow rates.The result shows that the thermal stratification was mainly affected by the outlet flow rate of the diffusers when the physical properties,the geometrical parameters and running conditions were almost fixed.Effective methods to control flow rate would enhance the efficiency of the storage system and the EER of the chiller.Considering the electric power price system of peak-valley value taking daily period,the storage system running in static mode could still meet the intermittent cooling requirement while the efficiency and EER would decline.
出处 《制冷学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期33-38,共6页 Journal of Refrigeration
关键词 热工学 水蓄冷 温度场 蓄冷模式 静置模式 Pyrology Chilled water storage Thermal stratification Charging mode Static mode
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