结合国内外已投运和在建的1 000 MW级超超临界机组项目情况和国内主要主机制造商的引进技术特点、标准系列参数和投运业绩,从容量选择、汽轮发电机组的布置型式、参数选择、一次再热和二次再热几方面进行汽轮机选型要点分析;从锅炉炉型、主蒸汽参数、布置型式几方面进行锅炉选型要点分析;从现有技术条件、运输条件、绝缘系统、冷却方式、励磁系统几方面进行发电机选型要点分析。
Based on the situation of 1 000 MW ultra-supercritical units home and abroad both in operation and in building and the technique features introduced,standard series parameters and the achievement of the units' producer,key points analysis on the selection of turbine is done from the factors including capacity choice,the layout of turbine-generator,parameter preferences,and the comparisons between once reheat and double reheat;key points analysis on the selection of boiler is done from the aspects of boiler type,main steam parameter and the layout of boiler;and the analysis on the selection of power generator is done from current technology,transport conditions,insulation system,cooling method and excitation system.Finally,suggestions are given for the selection of 1 000 MW ultra-supercritical units.
Shanxi Electric Power