目的 探讨突发性事件造成的成批烧伤急诊救治,休克期复苏治疗及创面治疗的体会.方法 对笔者所在医院在2004~2009年共抢救治疗三批烧伤患者的治疗情况进行总结和分析.结果 通过采取积极有效合理的治疗三批烧伤共14名患者,无1例死亡,均取得了较好的治疗效果.结论 在成批烧伤的治疗过程中,全院统一组织协调,保证救治的有序进行,在积极烧伤休克同时对大面积深度烧伤应进行早期切痂植皮、采取综合措施防治烧伤后各种并发症、合理使用抗生素、后期应用整形技术修复,减轻了瘢痕挛缩,尽早进行功能锻炼,能降低大面积烧伤患者的致残率,提高其生活质量.
Objective To investigate the unexpected events caused by the emergency treatment of mass burn, shock therapy and wound therapy on the recovery experience. Methods From 2004 - 2009 a total of 3 batches of emergency treatment in the treatment of burn patients to summarize and analyze the situation. Results Take effective and reasonable treatment of three batches of a total of 14 burn patients, no 1 patient died, have achieved a better therapeutic effect. Conclusion In the treatment of mass burn process, the unified organization of hospitalwide coordination to ensure the orderly conduct of treatment,while in the active burn shock should be carried out extensive deep burn of early eschareetomy, and adopt comprehensive measures to prevent complications after bums, rational use of antibiotics, the late applica- tion of plastic surgery technique to repair, reducing scar contraeture, functional training as soon as possible, to reduce morbidity in patients with extensive bums, to improve their quality of life.