
基于小波分析的网架结构杆单元损伤检测研究 被引量:2

Detection of link element damage in grid structure based on wavelet analysis
摘要 网架是以杆单元作为主要构件的结构,节点损伤信息无法反映损伤杆单元的真实位置。采用单元损伤信息作为杆单元损伤位置判定的参数,结合杆单元损伤前后的应变模态差,建立了杆单元应变模态损伤识别方法。损伤表现为信号局部特征的改变,而小波分析在时域和频域上都具有表征信号局部特征的能力,故将杆单元损伤前后应变模态差作为结构损伤指标,应用小波变换对网架损伤杆单元进行定位。将该方法应用于一个正放四角锥网架结构的杆单元损伤识别,结果表明,该方法在低阶模态下就能较准确地定位网架结构中单一或多个损伤的位置。 Link elements are the main components of grid structure,while the damage information of nodes cannot reflect the real link element damage location.The damage information of link elements were adopted,and the difference of element strain modes of link element was considered as the damage parameter.Damage shows changes of local characteristics of the signal,while wavelet analysis can reflect local damage traits of the signal in time domain and frequency domain.Therefore,the damage location of link element can be located by the difference of element strain mode with wavelet transformation.A grid structure damage detection was analyzed by this method,and the results show that this method can be used to determine location of the single and more damages in the grid structure.
出处 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期109-111,138,共4页 Building Structure
基金 河北省建设厅资助项目(2008-139) 河北科技大学大学生创新基金资助项目(2009-142)
关键词 小波分析 杆单元 单元应变模态差 小波变换 损伤位置 wavelet analysis link element difference of element strain mode wavelet transformation damage location
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